Our assumptions about life agree with each other, and they agree with our goals. Heart-informed and reason-based, this agreement is the strength of our approach.
Our assumptions about life agree with each other & they agree with our goals.
Our approach forms a unified whole. This coherence is the foundation of a Culture and Relationships approach.
Relationship is central in our premises. Culture is made up of relationships.
Culture is made up of “all” parts of our political economy. It is our society as a whole.
The goal in the political economy of our time, is to help you function in the economy. And specifically, to help you function in ways that assist the political and economic structure.
The goal in approaches, in any discipline, that come out of the political economy, is to support the political economy.
Our goal is about supporting you.
Our goal is to help you. Our coherence and congruence give you help that works.
Help that works “is” help with results that last.
We are able to help you because our goal and our assumptions about life are in agreement.
Our assumptions and goals are in agreement because they come from a carefully examined life that is influenced by multiple cultures and multiple ways of seeing the world.
The insight from this examination comes from the ability to stay with and sit with emotions, as part of seeing them as part of nature.
Assumptions about life come as we work on processing our emotions.
The assumptions of the prevailing culture, contradict themselves and contradict the goals of helping you. Both the results and assumptions of their evidence contradict themselves.
They are assumptions that deny and reject being a part of nature. It results in being distanced and dissociated from who we are.
This distancing can inhibit our ability to process our emotions, and can make it difficult to assess our assumptions.
Our ability at CORAL HUMAN ECOLOGY to stay with and sit with our emotions, alongside seeing life and the world through many different cultural lenses, helps our ability to both assess our assumptions and in so doing, stay congruent and help you.
This leads to coherence, and congruence, instead of dissociation and contradiction. And allows us to see ways of helping you that work and can be sustained.
Our goal is to help you feel better, by helping you develop greater clarity, increase your creative problem solving, and discover freedom.
With relationship as the core of all life, relationship is also the foundation of our work and goals.
We work “heart informed & reason-based” from this centre.
Coherence creates sustainable solutions
I am “present” with you.
I am able to be present with you because I am present with my self.
This allows me to be with you, see you and hear you in each moment at any time.
I practice what I teach and offer.
I live the assumptions I have about life and I live the approach that I share with you.
The grounding of my childhood cultures and environment, have never left me and have kept me real.
This includes holding the baby chicks of my grandmother’s coop, watching the overflowing of the street canals during the rainy season, and watching the large lizards waiting slowly for, then eating their unsuspecting prey.
It has kept me me. And it allows harmony with what I teach and offer to you, with what I live and practice.
I am real. And I am real with you. Authentic. Transparent. Genuine. Pragmatic. Realistic.
I come to you, without social identity, status, peer relationships or external or emotional rewards blurring who I am or blurring my relationship with you.
I come to you, the way a trusted lifelong friend would, bringing with me the knowledge from my experiences and study to help you.
I hear and work with your experience and life the way you see it. I meet you and work with you in your world.
How you see your world is the lens I use to help you.
The knowledge I bring within me, is shown in how I interact with you and part of how I help you.
The knowledge I offer, is always an offering and not a prescription. It has to feel right with you in your core. And it has to feel right in your understanding of your world.
I truly meet you where you are.
In our work together, you lead.
I honor your distinctiveness and autonomy, and value your independence.
You lead the decisions and strategy in our work together for your life.
Our relationship and the knowledge I bring, work as a guide to your uncovering more of your own inner knowledge.
I believe wisdom is at your centre.
I collaborate “with” you as we resolve your problems together.
I remain in relationship with you.
I remain present and available for check-ins and follow-ups, as you want or need it, after our work together is complete.
In my approach and my points of view, I openly integrate my life experiences with my life’s work.
I understand how culture shapes how we feel and what we see, by growing up immersed in multiple cultures as my normal.
Like a first language, this understanding was written in my body. And I continued to embrace this plurality of cultures after I migrated.
Possessing more than one way of understanding life, has kept me flexible and open to all of life. It has helped me to survive, problem-solve and to heal.
The inherent humility of a plural view also helps me to see, hear and understand you more. It taught me everything that I share with you.
I have experiences and insight from lower to upper incomes, that have shaped my inquiry and given me a specialized knowledge.
I have lived a “mixed-class” life, that expands the usefulness of my work to more people and more contexts.
Born into poverty & raised in economic privilege, I re-entered poverty as an adolescent that continued through adulthood.
The social capital of my childhood combined with the experience of poverty, created opportunities for observation, learning and discernment.
This gave a deep and detailed understanding of different class relationships & experiences.
I have an uncommon perception into how culture, identity and relationships work together, and how they affect how we feel and solve problems.
This came as I asked new questions and discovered insightful answers came as I problem-solved experiences of homelessness, violence, mothering and poverty in both Canada and the United States.
Living a mixed-class position “and” seeing my problems and their solutions through a non-western lens, created this distinct knowledge.
I have both a comprehensive (macro) and intricate (micro) understanding of how our identities & our relationships, are uniquely shaped by our environments.
Geographic, demographic and emotional environments and histories, create ways of adaptation specific to time, place and people.
This understanding, that includes how environments work in shaping what we feel, allows me to give you help that is more effective.
This awareness is a gift of living across class, race, cultures, borders, countries, religions and world-views.
Our differences weave together a deep understanding of our relationship with our selves and our relationship with others.
We understand our self as its own relationship. And understand “culture” as our relationship with each other. And we embrace both, our relationship with our selves and our relationship with others.
Within this embrace, we work “heart-informed & reason-based”.
I live “relationship” with you, as I live relationship with myself.
Here, you are seen, heard, and known.
The harmony of our premises helps you achieve inner congruence
We are a unified whole, whose parts and approach are “heart-informed and reason-based”.
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